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The meeting

Corvettes de Olympia

Minutes of the November 8th, 2006 Meeting

The meeting was called order by President Vinnie at 7 pm. Introductions were done.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved as written.

Old Business

Sunshine committee

Frankie had no report. Randy thanked the club for the flowers he received while he was in the hospital.

Art told about the staff at St Peter’s dedication of providing patients with shampoo. Anyone interested in donating or buying shampoo for the cause, please contact Art.

The Treasurer’s Report-

George gave the Treasurers’ report.


Art reported the club has 48 memberships with 90 individual members.


Megan will send an e-mail at a later date requesting items needed to complete the year book.


Cliff reported Michael Towers and Juan Mendoza were the recipients of the $1000 scholarships. Troy Achord and Gary Coberly were recipients of the $500 scholarships.


Art is back to updating our website.


George reported on the year end meeting. Megan received 3 awards: Regional Championships 1st place, S2W Autocross Regional Championships 2nd place D class Show n' Shine Individual Participation Award (to the person with the most overall combined points for all events) + $100.00 cash, which she has won for the 3rd year. George received 2nd place in Race Prepared.

George also reported the NWACC insurance will increase an additional $5 this year and probably again the following year.

Sponsorship Committee-

No report.

National Corvette Museum

George will show a 10-minute DVD on the museum expansion at the next meeting.

Events & Activities-

Upcoming events:

Jim Turcotte reported on Vet Vest 2007. He proposed changing the format to a non-formal judged event (not an NWACC scored event). After discussion the club made a motion and approved the event would be an informal judged event.

Jim also proposed moving the date to June 15, 16 and 17. Handouts will be provided at the January meeting outlining the logistics/volunteers needed.

Larry Johnson reported the Wild West Rally to be held in Olympia has been rescheduled to December 1. The September event was canceled due to dry conditions in the forest.

Annual Christmas Party. The event will take place at the Chamber House Restaurant located at Panorama City on December 16. Happy hour is 5 pm, dinner at 6 pm. Dress is casual or party. Gift exchange is $10-$20. Note on gift if it is for a male, or female or either. Reminder: Registration/prepayment will be due by the end of November.

Downtown Christmas Parade. Sunday November 26 at 2:00 pm at Swantown.

Bob Hill reported on contacting local clubs to the all-club spring picnic. Bob has visited with several clubs and is waiting for the response from those clubs. The group also discussed other clubs Bob might consider adding to his contact list.

C de O Open House. Larry agreed to help Bob with planning and hosting of the club open house. Larry agreed to follow-up on communicating with other clubs and requested a club drafted letter of invitation from Vinnie.

New Business

Vinnie said the E board met, and discussed raising the club dues $10 to counter the NWACC insurance increase. He opened discussion on the issue. Several members suggested that the board should be prepared to have a budget to present at our January meeting.

George read the existing and the proposed by-law the board drafted to reflect the dues increase:

Section VI Dues
A. Dues for Regular Members shall be $45.00 $55.00 per year, per Family Unit. If a Family Unit consists of a single individual, dues shall be $22.50 $27.50 per year. Dues for Associate Members shall be $22.50 $27.50 per year per person. No dues shall be assessed Honorary Members.

The proposed by-law will be voted on at the January meeting.

No raffle was done.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Meeting minutes submitted by
Betty R.

 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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