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The meeting

Corvettes de Olympia

Minutes of the September 13th, 2006 Meeting

The meeting began at 7 PM, with the usual introductions.

The minutes of the August meeting were approved.

Old Business

Sunshine committee

No report.

The Treasurer’s Report-

Art gave the treasurer’s report


Membership roster is out for you to make corrections or check if ok.

If you did not get your C de O window cling, see Art. Each membership gets one free and extra are available at $10 each.

There are still some club Tshirts in stock. $13 each. If we have enough interest,we can place another sweatshirt order. These run about $20 each.


Get pictures to Meagan either by email or copies you had printed..


No report.


The website current with the exception of the South Bend pictures.


Autocross at Shelton airport 10/1/06. We need workers and drivers. The event lasts several hours, so bring your bag chairs.

NWACC year end party 11/4 at Tacoma Elks lodge. $30 per person, 6Pm no host bar and dinner at 7. Contact George or Meagan if you are interested.

Sponsorship Committee-

No report.

National Corvette Museum

George reports the museum is still fund raising to complete the expansion. Hopefully phase one will be complete by 2009 for the 15th anniversary and caravan trip. Costs of the expansion have more than doubled the estimated figures.

Events & Activities-

Past events:

Corvette and high performance open house, about 65 cars attended. Chance to see other cars and display your own. Good food, door prizes and music.

Operation Backpack ended up with 97 full backpacks for children in the North Thurston school district. The article appeared in “Lacey Today” the following Thursday. Art will forward the article via email. Operation Backpack will include Lynus’ name in the future.

8/12 -Olympic Peninsula trip. Great weather, & corvette roads, about 18 cars attended.

Upcoming events:

9/16 Lacey’s Summers End Car Show at Huntamer Park

9/23-9/24 Ocean Shores Summers end event. There will be a scenic tour, parking lot games and prizes. Reichels Races, dead bug contest. A motion was made and passed to spend up to $150 for prizes for the event. We will leave Barnes & Nobel 10AM sharp.
Also BYOB and a snack to share with the group to the executive suite social hour at about 6PM. 9AM Sunday is brunch at the Polynesian (no Host) and then everyone has the day to do as you wish.

10/8 Sugars Mystery Tour. This is an event not to miss. If you have never been on one of Sugars mystery tours, you have missed a fun day.

VETTE FEST ’07 will be 6/30-7/1/07 chaired by JT and Peggy. Details in the weeks to come.

New Business

Do we want to extend Operation Backpack to other clubs to join us? Do we want to organize an all Olympia All car club picnic? Bob Hill will check into this for us.

All Corvette clubs open house, hosted by CdeO and held at CHIPS, Rebecca and Peggy will chair the event.

High quality 2 way radios..does the club want to purchase a couple of the these for our road trips. One for the lead car and one for the last car? A motion was made and passed to do so.

Glass odyssey is going on a cruise to Mexico in February 2007. (This will be on a ship, no Corvettes) and they are looking for more to attend. The more they get to attend the less each person pays. If you want to go, contact Eric.

Raffle cash pot was won by Bob Hill, so Bob brings next months prize

If you want C de O vinyl die cuts, they run $15 per pair. Order and pay at the November meeting. Contact George if you have questions.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Meeting minutes submitted by
Peggy R.
Club Secretary.

 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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