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Corvettes de Olympia
Meeting Minutes for Sep. 10th





The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday September 10, 2008, at the Chambers House Restaurant in Panorama City. Introductions followed.   The August minutes were approved as printed.




Art reported the specifics of our treasury. If you would like further information on this, you can contact Art for a breakdown.

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES – Vince Punteney


Vince spoke on behalf of Jon, who was not present at the meeting.  Vince gave some details on the End of Summer Run which is scheduled for September 27th & 28th.  He provided information on the menu for the restaurant that the club will be dining at on this trip.  

He also brought up the club fee to LeMay Museum, and how it benefits our club to support a community organization such as LeMay.  A motion was passed after much discussion, to continue our support of the Museum, by paying the increased dues.  The dues were increased from $100.00 per year to $250.00 per year.  Art is going to research why the dues were increased, and report back to the club next month.

Randy reminded everyone of the upcoming Mystery Tour.  Participants will meet at the Royal Bean coffee stand on Tumwater Blvd at 8:30am on October 5th.  Randy said “do not eat before the tour”.

Larry spoke about the upcoming Corvette & High Performance Open House that is scheduled for this weekend, the 13th of September.  It begins at 9am, and goes until 3pm.  Peggy stated that although this is not a club event, everyone is encouraged to come out and show their cars, hang out, and/or help with the event.

Randy spoke about the Morningside Ride that will be hosted by Morningside on September 28th.  This is a benefit rally for Morningside, and the cost is $75 per driver/navigator.

Peggy announced that CdeO provided 52 backpacks for the NTSD backpack drive that took place in August.  The Mustang club provided 51 backpacks and when Peggy teased them about it, they put up an additional $20 to purchase another backpack, for a tie of 104 backpacks total.  There will be a recognition ceremony at 7pm on September 22nd, hosted by the NTSD at the district office on College Street.  Peggy is unable to attend, but she is sending Meagan as a representative of the club.  Anyone else that would like to go is encouraged to attend for support.  

Other upcoming events are:
9/20    Centralia Swap Meet
9/20    Summer’s End Car Show at Lacey
9/21    Speedway Brewing Company fundraiser for a local man

NWACC – Meagan Renick


Meagan reported that the autocross season is drawing to a close, with only two more NWACC autocrosses left this season.  The upcoming autocross dates are September 28th, and October 12th.  The remaining autocrosses will be hosted in Shelton at Sanderson Field.  CdeO will be working at the October 12th autocross, so Meagan encouraged everyone to sign up on the sign up sheet that was being circulated, for worker positions.   She also invited CdeO members to participate in the NWACC Year End Banquet which will take place on November 1st, and is hosted by Glass Odyssey Corvette Club this year.  More details will be released as the event draws nearer.  You did not have to participate in NWACC shows or autocrosses to take part in this wonderful opportunity to hang out with your fellow Corvette folks in the “off season”.



Cliff discussed the results of last month’s survey and the E-board meeting results.  The committee has proposed that in lieu of a large fundraiser in 2009 (the All City Rally), that the club have annual voluntary donations at dues renewal time.  The ability to contribute to the scholarship fund has also been added to our website, and many other fundraising efforts will take place throughout the year, including fees for participation in games on our tours (beginning with the End of Summer Run), and dedication of half of the 50/50 raffle money from each club meeting.  Art researched the amount that CdeO makes yearly off of the 50/50 raffle and determined that to be approximately $200 per year.  Cliff also stated that the committee would like to expand in an effort to come up with different ideas to fund the scholarship.  Three new members were added to the committee and they are: Peggy R., Dave W., and Mark T.  A motion was passed to officially earmark the money from the monthly 50/50 raffle to dedicate to the scholarship fund.

NCM – George Schwartz


George reported that NCM must like Washington because Phillip and Nancy Hall (former CdeO members) won a 2008 Z06 in the National Corvette Museum’s raffle a couple months back, and now a couple from Cashmere have won the “build your own Z06” in the most recent raffle.  Phillip was at the last autocross in Shelton playing in his new car.  George also reported on the upcoming Corvette Caravan to Bowling Green next year (Labor Day weekend), and stated that if you would like any info on that, please see him for a handout.

WEBSITE – Art Carter


The website has been updated and is current.



Nothing to report at this time.



Nothing to report at this time.



Larry W. stated that he has checked into Hawk’s Prairie Inn as a meeting place and they stated that they can seat our group in the back area with no charge for the facility.  Peggy asked the membership if we should have the November meeting there.  Larry is going to get some additional information and report back at the October meeting.  Peggy reported that Nickleby’s is also an option for a meeting place.

Peggy asked if anyone was interested in having a Halloween party, and where will we have it?  Most expressed interest in a party, but we are unsure of the location at this time.  Miranda is going to check into some facilities and get back to us via email before the next meeting.



The 50/50 raffle winner responsible for bringing next month’s raffle prize is: Larry Zangar

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.  

The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, at Chamber House at Panorama City.

Minutes submitted by Meagan Renick, CdeO Secretary.

 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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